Eucharistic Act of the Brotherhood of the Dawn

14 June 2012

On the evening of last June 13 the Royal Parish Church of Santa Ana hosted the Eucharistic Act gathers around the worship of His Divine Majesty, to the Brotherhoods who do their penance station S. I: Cathedral in the early morning of Good Friday. This time the organization of this event which is held annually in our city held the last International Eucharistic Congress, belonged to the Brotherhood of Hope of Triana. The ceremony began with the celebration of Holy Eucharist in which the different liturgical readings were given by the Elder Brothers of the Early Corporations, performing to an end Exhibition Mayor of His Divine Majesty, Claustral procession with banners and poles of fraternities of the day and ending with the delivery of the Solemn Blessing of the august sacrament of the altar and singing of the Salve Regina. The event ended with a fraternal cohabitation on the premises of the house of the brotherhood Brotherhood host.

Photos NHD Antonio Muñoz Tirado

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