Via Crucis with Ntro. Padre Jesus de la Sentencia

10 February 2013

The 15th of February, first Friday of Lent, the Brotherhood of the Macarena celebrated solemn and pious Via Crucis with the sacred image of Our Father Jesus de la Sentencia. The procession will begin its journey at 20.30 am and will conclude at approximately 23.00 hours. The itinerary is as follows: Basilica, Arc, Becquer, San Luis; Pumarejo Square, San Luis, Church of Santa Marina, Innocent, Virgen del Carmen Painful San Basilio, Rapporteur, Well, Talavera, Parras, Sagunto, San Gil, St. Louis Basilica. The list of the procession will be exposed on the bulletin board, from the afternoon of Thursday 14 February.

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