A blessed image of Our Lady of Hope for Guinea

2 May 2012

On Tuesday May 1, during the celebration of the Mass that was held at 13:00 hours, was blessed a picture of the Blessed Virgin is venerated under the title of Our Lady of HopeMacarena Mongomo Cathedral, city of Guinea. The image, inspired by the Virgin of Hope, by sculptor Jose Antonio Bravo Seville and has been donated by the Hon. Mr.Martin Ndong Seville Nsue and marriage made ​​by Mr. Paul Martin and Maria Ortiz HelpRodriguez-Gonzalez Case.

The event was attended, besides the aforementioned donor and sculptor, the DeputyBig Brother, D. Álvaro García García-Carranza, and several officers of the Board of Governors, who held the representation of the Brotherhood.

The Bishop of Mongomo the Guinean enthroned in the cathedral the next day on May 5, thereby contributing to the universality of devotion macarena with the expansion of their veneration of African lands.

Photos NHD Fernando Garcia Arcos

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