It started Youth Culture Week Macarena

On the morning of Saturday, November 10 beginning a new edition of the Cultural Days organized every year by the Youth of the Brotherhood of the Macarena. Alamillo Park was the venue for the first of the scheduled activities, an athletic “I Milla Macarena by Hope, remembering the route to follow the Virgin of Hope on September 18, 2010. The winner of the same NHD Antonio Godoy Oliveros. The realization of this event was made possible by the cooperation shown by the direction of the park, which facilitated a tent where we proceeded to the food collection and subsequent coexistence among participants.
That afternoon, in the sports facilities of Royal Circle of Farmers and owners, the place had the paddle tournament in involving eleven partners, among which were two of the Brotherhood of the Negritos and the Brotherhood of the Holy Name. Was winning the brothers composed D. Alvaro Alfonso and D. John Grinder, who won in the final pairing of NHD NHD Jaime David Medina and Puerto.
Already on the evening of Sunday, November 11, a large group of young people from the Youth Macarena, turned cultural visit to the Hospital de los Venerables where they could see a sample collected works of Murillo and under “Fair Murillo and Neve. The art of friendship. “It was led by NHD Enrique Muñoz, a member of the youth group and student of Fine Arts at the University of Seville.
The Youth Cultural Days Macarena will run until November 18.