Our Father Jesus Christ of the Death Sentence
The image of Nuestro Padre Jesús de la Sentencia (Our Father Jesus Christ of the Death Sentence) is a head, hands and feet wood sculpture executed by the master woodcarver and painter Felipe Morales Nieto, who in 1654 was commissioned to produce eight wood pulp figures for the Brotherhood.
According to the contract found in the Registry Archive by Enrique Repetto in 1930, these were to be: “a head of Our Lord Jesus Christ with neck and shoulders as far as the middle of the chest, hands and wrists up to the elbow and feet and legs up to the knees, and seven heads, including necks, and hands of Pharisees”. In 1933, the image of El Señor de la Sentencia was restored by Antonio Castillo Lastrucci. New hands were added in 1936, and in 1954 the hands were once again replaced, this time by Antonio Eslava.
In 1960 Eslava also restored the arms and the crown of thorns. In 1966 the same artist re-carved the feet and made a new pair of hands. In 1984, Professor Francisco Arquillo Torres completely restored the whole image.
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