Appreciation of the NGO Voluntary Initiatives ” Medicine and Chernobyl”

The International Social Medical Association Charitable Initiatives ” Medicine and Chernobyl” has sent a letter of thanks to the Brotherhood of the Macarena , to acknowledge the cooperation , affection and showing affection towards children benefit by macarenas families within the childcare program Belarusians this summer. The following is the original text of this letter.
Dear friends of the Brotherhood of the Macarena :
The International Social Medical Association Charitable Initiatives ” Medicine and Chernobyl ” I thank you very much ala Brotherhood of ” Macarena ” Big Brother Manuel Garcia Garcia, responsible Coordinators ” Child Home Program Belarusian – 2013 ” Ladies Hurtado Ildefonso and José María del Castillo, to families, to all the people who do their best to Belarusian children have the opportunity to spend sanitation during the summer holidays in Spain .
We would like to thank a host so loving and unselfish Belarusian guys , the perfect organization for all nights of minors and for joint activities , we want to express our special thanks for the help dela monitors Brotherhood of the Macarena , of makers that have accompanied the group during the bus rides to and from Madrid airport .
Your help is very important and essential . The value a lot especially now in the times of crisis that everyone survives . You have found the possibility of inviting the kids so that they have abandoned contaminated territories and have lived in Spain enjoying the time of the summer season , respiranado fresh air , eating healthy foods, reveling seascapes , swimming in the ocean , accumulating calories for the cold season and iodine which is necessary for the body and the environment lacks Belarus . Children , thanks to you , have rested and improved their health.
We are also very grateful to You for the work to enlighten Belarusian children . Guardadoras families being so talented people , delicate and open mind are dedicated to making knowledge to host boys with the traditions and history Hermandadde dela Macarena as part and in the context of world history and art , historical and cultural monuments of the city as old as Sevilla and its surroundings.
We hope the Macarena Hermandaddela interlaced relationships SocialInternacional andthe Medical Association Charitable Initiatives ” Medicine and Chernobyl” further developed to serve the vital interests of children.
President Igor Kot
Spanish Program Coordinator Alla Zentchenko
Elena Monitora Beloziórоva