The poster and the program of events of the Festival de la Macarena
In the afternoon of September 18 took place in the hall of the House of Brotherhood of the Macarena, the poster presentation and acts of the Fiestas de la Macarena 2013.
After words of welcome by Mr Hermano Mayor and appreciated the presence here of the District Executive Councillor Old Town, and poster painter Antonio Gamero the realization Osuna poster for this year, gave the floor to Mr. Secretary of Our Lady of the Rosary who made a sketch of the Fiestas de la Macarena.
Mr. Prioste of Our Lady of Hope pormenorizó the extensive program of events will be entertained by musical performances and cultural activities, and amusements for children, taking place during the 27th and 28th September at the Park Tower pellets.
After the discovery of the cartel by Big Brother and the author of the paintings, which explained the content and significance of the painting that announced the edition of the Festival, this year, spoke up Mrs. Amidea Navarro, Deputy Old Town District, who thanked the celebration of this event, which is not limited, to the Brotherhood, but is open to the city, which contributes to the enhancement of the activities performed in the District.
Photos NHD Alejandro Canton