Waiting for the dream moment

What bigger thrill when I saw you come by St. Angela, was one of the most exciting moments of my life every year happen again, but I had this spine of that …. It was my brother Esperanza Macarena. He always left in the hope of my people Cadiz which accompanied every Holy Tuesday Algeciras the captive of a neighborhood.
With my mask and green cape, that white cassock of Nazareth walked the streets of my town dreaming of one day wear the gown in the macarena and do penance for all that helped me in my life. In Seville I was born again and although it was in the Virgen del Rocio in Seville the other end of a hope certainly gave me the gift to be alive and meet one of the dreams of my life to be the brother of the Brotherhood of the Macarena.
You wanted your hope in my life that fate would put me in Seville with a great person that I have at my side and when working in your neighborhood could go for it and see you too were many days that followed saw every day the basilica. And still dreaming of the same to be brother and one day dressed in Nazareth for the grace of you.
What about what my favorite color? Green hope that my costume is and put it on thinking about you and asking you to help me in the moments that you need. Surely as some think that by not being Seville do not feel like yours devotion that has had the luck to be born in Seville.
One year I’ll have to wait to wear the white robe and green so hard I have to put myself in anonymity and do my penance through the streets of Seville to the day that the age and strength did not allow. A long year of waiting as I say every night worth that will be a year of preparation for what throughout my life will be a habit.
Surely that day you dreamed when you get to the atrium of the basilica and you pick up, fatten many kilos to see that dream fulfilled that I love so much and I have since childhood marked.
Why not go before your fraternity brother of Mrs.? I have to believe that it is never late and it was not my time and now, sure it’s always been like that but one more day that sap the illusion that this moment would come and the day I was under the oath of siblings in the I could feel many sensations.
Was nervous that my legs were shaking, my vision blurred to stare at you and when to say I swear it seemed that even I was thinking me and I told myself after kissing the rulebook Will it be a dream and now I wake up? It seemed certain that it was time in which you saw with your outfit and there I was Jewish and a new brother.
I know who comes here, we are in Lent and Holy Thursday nothing will be sentenced with his hours for the early morning, as I’ve said my macarena up early and since I’ll be watching the bow enjoying my last year off and dreamed about being in those rows Nazarene. Daria anything to change me at that time by a Nazarene any and observe all that I’ve always wanted and start time will be for a lifetime habit of every early riser.
No one knows the commitment I have with you, you gave me the gift of life for all this is happening to me. Sure that is because things happen that you want to spend, and I’m here because of you that Esperanza Macarena I have no doubt.
Grace for 20 years of living in the time you begin a new dream ride.