Auxiliary Bishop presides over the ceremony of Confirmation in the Macarena
In the afternoon of November 9, and chaired by the Hon. and Rt. Mr. D. Santiago Gomez Sierra, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Seville, and concelebrated by Rvdo.Sr. D. Borrego Antonio Cobos, Rector of the Basilica and parish priest of San Gil, took place the act of imposition of the Sacrament of Confirmation to those Brothers who have been preparing for this purpose, for two years. Catechesis were taught by instructors who are integrated in the youth of the Brotherhood, and framed in the training plans that set our Rules.
Were present in the same Big Brother Corporation, D. Manuel Garcia Garcia, Lieutenant Brother, D. Álvaro García García-Carranza and First Counsellor, Head of Training and Youth, D. Eladio Carrillo de Leon and other officers of the Board of Governors.
At the end of it, the confirmands and their families, chatted briefly with the Auxiliary Bishop in the auditorium of the sorority house.
NHD Photos Fernando García Arcos