Presented the 2012 edition of Esperanza Nuestra
The Hermandad de la Macarena Thursday night presented Nov. 8 at the Basilica the second installment of the Third Period ‘Esperanza Nuestra’. In the act intervenieron Manuel García, Hermano Mayor of the Hermandad de la Macarena, Andrés Amorós, one of the most prominent authors collaborating on this issue, and Carlos Colón, a member of the editorial board of the publication and the author of another article , relying on the presence of other authors and contributors to this edition.
This second issue of ‘Esperanza Nuestra’ consolidates an editorial proposal that seeks excellence in communication between the brothers and devotees Hermandad, a publication of proven quality, able to provide added value.
More than 200 pages that offer a broad and diverse of the Hermandad de la Macarena, the participation of firms covering literary and theological class, in-depth articles on the heritage and history of the Brotherhood by prestigious researchers, portraits of prominent figures Macarenos, interviews brothers meanings and messages of devotees. The photographic image is another pillar of the publication, providing a spectacular and unprecedented gallery of large format photographs, showing a particular perspective and emotive of the Sacred Headlines, Penance Station and all that surrounds the devotional and cultural universe Hermandad de la Macarena.
All complemented with useful information, the detailed summary of the cults, exercise activities 2011-2012 and other sections of interest to all the brothers and devotees.
‘Esperanza Nuestra’, 2012 includes texts and articles written expressly for this book by reference signatures in literature, journalism, research and theology. This new issue features collaborations as relevant as the Cardinal Amigo Vallejo, Juan Antonio Carrillo Salcedo (Professor Emeritus of International Law at the University of Seville. Curatorium member of the Academy of International Law in The Hague. Retired Judge of the European Court Human Rights. Favorite Son of Andalucia. Medal of Andalusia), Manuel Mantero (Poeta. Professor of Spanish Literature at the University of Georgia (USA). National Literature Prize. Prize Fastenrath. Gold Medal of the city of Seville) Andrés Amorós (bullfighting critic. Professor of Spanish Literature at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. National Essay Prize. Prize National Literary Criticism. Fastenrath Prize. Prize José Maria de Cossio), Antonio María Calero de los Ríos (Member SDB. the Pontifical International Marian Academy Mariological Society and Spanish), Andrés Luque Teruel (Professor of Art History at the University of Seville. National Essay Prize Caja San Fernando Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Seville Real Maestranza de Caballería de Seville, Excellency Award. Ayuntamiento de Sevilla), Francisco Arquillo (restorer and lecturer at the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Seville, who spoke recently at the Macarena Images Headlines on repair and maintenance work) or Manuel J. Gómez Lara(Professor of English at the University of Seville. Coauthor of poems and songs of Rafael de Leon).
Also collaborating on this issue Juan Manuel Serrano Becerra (Chief Photographer of ABC de Sevilla), Enrique Esquivias (Hermano Mayor of the Hermandad del Gran Poder), Carlos Colón Perales (writer, journalist, professor at the University of Seville and board member editorial in Diario de Sevilla), Javier Rodriguez Barberán (professor at the University of Seville), Fernando Vaz Calderón (Captain of the armaos de la Macarena) and Antonio Santiago Muñoz (Foreman Hermandad de la Macarena) plus devotees and brothers anonymous who left their words and dedications in the book of signatures of the Virgen de la Esperanza.
The team of photographers brings together a large cast of professional and amateur, whose work for this publication provide a different perspective, new and exciting. A compendium completed photographic material funds Municipal Newspaper Library, the file itself dela Brotherhood and archives and private collections.
The re-distributed content into sections whose titles have a symbolic meaning related to the Brotherhood, their owners and the most significant texts that are written about them. Section titles as’ Smile of our soul ‘or’ light and grace of Seville ‘refers to the best of literature macarena and are a tribute to the authors, while others such as’ We are twelve mil’, ‘Wand’, ‘ Cirio purple, green candle ‘or’ Mail ‘tie in with the tradition of the previous publications of the Brotherhood.
This new edition of ‘Esperanza Nuestra’ is accompanied by a gift to the brothers, a facsimile reproduction of that legendary first album of Centuria Romana Macarena, every single historical recovery with five gears classic early seventies, gorgeous testimony that preserves the unique musical sound spontaneous and fast metallic characteristic of the earliest recordings of the band. No doubt, an original and emotional climax to this second issue.