Thank you, thank you, Macarena
In hard times is when we see and appreciate all that good which gives us life as precious works from the hand of God the Father. To get there we need mediators and who better than the Virgin Mary our Mother. So I’ve been able to see after passing through a hard trance. My son, Jesus entered the emergency room at the Hospital of Torrecárdenas of Almeria, we appreciated a deep pericardial effusion, having to undergo surgery by cardiologists on call, although he manages to extract all liquid that doctors wanted. During 8 days had to stay in the ICU were fearing for his life. Several attempts failed to extract some of the great mass of liquid housed in the left lung and pericardium, finally manage to extract a total of more than four liters. When you reach a milestone plan was already being there, but gravity still persisted, infections, high fevers, were very difficult to see Jesus come out ahead. Amid all this time, I remembered what this summer a lady of Seville, who was visiting for Almeria, when I spoke of the Macarena, she told me that had gone through an extremely serious situation and that if I ever saw me or anyone in my family at that moment that no doubt went to the Virgen de la Macarena, I pray every day she asks when the heart in your hand does not disappoint their children. Amid this situation so I did, I prayed to Our Lady every night in the hospital and outside it, that she would intercede with God the Father and hi son overcome these tragic moments that lived between pain and despair of being as its life was in danger. On several occasions we saw said that he died. Tests are performed: a pleural biopsy, and PET-CT, which came to increase our fear, but I always remembered the words of Madame de Sevilla, “The Macarena, who asks with heart in hand, not disappoint. ” I continued with my prayers and now happily Jesus is a young man of 15 years has passed this extreme situation, is at home, start now to gradually go to Granada Institute and miraculously we were told there would be no sequels, soon you can make your normal life, Jesus is the brother of the Macarena for over 10 years, has now changed its maturity has evolved after 48 days of hospitalization.
Thanks Virgen Macarena, you heard my prayers and have given me strength to stay strong in pain, as you did with the Cross of your Son Jesus Christ, did not notice Santa testify to his passion, then you be the link between man and God. So I promised, would testify publicly about what had happened and I take the newsletter and publications of the Fraternity for all the brothers are aware of this miracle.
How lucky to have you as close to Seville, gathering and noble in your cozy Basilica!. Oh Mother, Oh pious Virgen Macarena. And looking into your eyes I want to say:
God is recreated in you / To you I give my Mother / Endless Love I offer you this day / you looked at my son with compassion / When danger your heart / My prayers just offered you / crying, pain, suffering, fear suffered / Dark is the sky / My soul is full / of sadness and fear / With my faith and your love alone I fall / You suffered desolate Mother / Open your heart with a sword / pink Oh cool, that pain Mother / Star night / Aurora in the morning / Oh Hail Mary. / walk with bitterness / air kisses your forehead / Bolts were the wind / You come suddenly / Do not dry your face / In your face is very sad / All you want to Sevilla / All Seville cheering you / You are the queen, his mother, Virgen Macarena /
Signed Nicolas Jesus Ruiz-Gutiérrez.