Guided by Hope

14 November 2012

That night Hope is guided by the hope that she gives us, the mother .. the mother of Seville, the mother of Seville, which is my madre.Ella Esperanza, which is light, it’s Santa, is Ella, Early the next every Easter to remind us that while there is life there is hope, that when she looks out her Basilica primavera.Pasada midnight begins his courtship goes heavenly SHE goes Resolana illuminating, and all faces that look … that’s when time stops, when you look face to face and see nothing more than her, with its aura of mystery goodness .. and hopeful.
She laughs and cries Virgin, who returns home with another face different Madrugá coming in after seeing their Seville and all the waiting.
She is goodness, she is human, she is … Hope is faith that does not leave, and guides you to your kingdom.

Stephanie Sanchez Perez

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