Triduum Our Lady of the Holy Rosary.
Coinciding with the Jubilee Circular of the Forty Hours, which takes place in the Basilica of the Macarena, will be held on 18, 19 and 20 October, the Solemn Triduum that the Brotherhood dedicated to Our Lady of the Holy Rosary.
On October 18, at 20 am will begin the first day of the Triduum will preach Most Illustrious Mr. D. Francisco Ortiz Gomez. Archdeacon of the Cathedral Chapter of Seville.
On October 19, at 20.00 hours, second day of worship that preach the Illustrious Mr. D. Teodoro Leon Muñoz, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Seville.
Triduum ends on Sunday the 20th, at 18.30 hours, with a solemn Mass that His Eminence will preside. and Rt. Mr. D. Antonio Maria Rouco Valera, Cardinal Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Madrid.
At the end of each of the Eucharistic celebrations Sep rocederá delivery of diplomas conmorativos TWENTY YEARS of uninterrupted membership in the Brotherhood.